The benefits of acetylene for welding and cutting are well documented. Excellent thermal properties make it much more effective at cutting than other fuel gases, offering productivity gains of around 33 percent relative to propane, for instance.
What is perhaps not so well known is the fact that acetylene – because of its high flammability – can present a serious safety hazard. So cylinders containing acetylene, like all gas cylinders, should be transported, stored and handled properly to ensure they are completely safe.
Unfortunately, safety is not always accorded the importance it deserves. Our estimates indicate that up to one third of acetylene cylinders bought from all retail outlets are not transported responsibly. This results in serious accidents and – in some cases – fatalities. Reflecting our strong sense of product stewardship, we have teamed up with various industry associations such as the European Industrial Gases Association (EIGA) to take positive action. Our aim is to raise awareness of the risks associated with handling and transporting acetylene, help put good practices in place, and support our customers with dedicated training and practical assistance.